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TV Room Feng Shui Tips with Cliff Tan

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Finding the perfect TV Is more than just plugging It Into the wall to watch your favorite team play on Sunday or playing any old video game. It's about the quality and overall experience, which means where you place It In your room Is just as Important as all the features the TV comes with.

Cliff Tan, the feng shui expert behind @dearmodern on TikTok and Instagram, recently spoke to Hisense about all things feng shui and how to create the perfect viewing experience.

“Feng shui Is the ancient Chinese art of creating an environment for its users. It's about harnessing and reacting to Qi, a vital energy force, of our surroundings, traditionally thought to Improve wealth, longevity and happiness”

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What does feng shui even mean?

"Feng shui Is the ancient Chinese art of creating an optimum environment for Its users," says Cliff. It's about harnessing and reacting to Qi, a vital energy force, of our surroundings, traditionally thought to Improve wealth, longevity and happiness.

"As our home Is our refuge," Cliff adds, "we need to feel as comfortable and happy as we can." There's no point in creating a space that you don't want to live In and enjoy watching your team kill It week to week.

How does different types of TV entertainment (movie watching, gaming, sports) Impact the feng shui of the room?

It's a common misconception that feng shui Is anti-TV and Cliff Is here to tell us that's not so--phew! Feng shui Is about harnessing Qi to create a harmonious environment. We, too, think It's more about getting the right TV for your watching needs.

An avid sports fan who religiously follows your team's every game? Well, you don't want to be dealing with lag or pixelated Images. You want crisp and bold graphics from right in the middle of the play action. Are you a gamer? There's nothing more frustrating than the lag between your controller and the game. You want a seamless experience that doesn't take you out of It. Find the best tv for gaming, sports and more In our guide.

That's the point of getting the right TV--a seamless entertainment experience that makes you feel a part of It all. Our version of TV feng shui may be a bit different but It's all about creating a seamless entertainment experience that puts you in the middle of the action. And if you don't have the right room set-up, no matter your TV you'll be just a bit out of whack. Cliff even adds: "If your space Is for TV watching, then the goal of feng shui Is to make that feel as nice as possible, and offer the best viewing angles for great, focused watching."

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Does room type affect how we Incorporate the TV? What If we're having a lazy Sunday watching TV In bed or living In a studio apartment?

IIt's not so much the room, as much as the way you're engaging with the TV, says Cliff. In his TikTok on TV room feng shui he gives his golden rule of not enshrining our TVs (even If they're our best friends). So that's step numero uno.

How you're using the TV also affects the size you go for. "If It Is for movie watching, the TV needs to be bigger and more centrally placed; If It Is for general viewing, or even just for background 'energy,' then It should be small and placed less prominently.

Now If you must have a TV In the bedroom (like some of us), Cliff recommends putting the TV In a central location and at a proper angle to prevent craning your neck uncomfortably. This holds true for those In studio apartments. If you're going to be watching television pretty actively, put It In a place that makes sense for you to watch. It doesn't have to be a focal point even If It's prominent.

“If it is for movie watching, the TV needs to be bigger and more centrally placed; If It Is for general viewing, or even just for background 'energy,' then It should be small and placed less prominently. ”

How to know what size TV Is right for my room?

While TV size ultimately comes down to presence (and whether you actually want to see everything or not), there Is a way to accurately measure It according to Cliff. "The TV should take up about 20-40% of your field of view." You might be thinking, how would I measure that? What even Is 20% of my field of vision? Well Cliff has a simple hack.

"My general rule Is that the TV should be roughly the size of a sheet of a letter-size sheet of paper, held at arms-length, which Is about a 30% field of view." Phew, we can do that.

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How to avoid TV glare In really bright rooms?

"The rule Is to never place a TV opposite a window as that would pick up reflections; conversely never put It In front a window as It would be backlit," warns Cliff. Instead, try to keep It at 90-degree angle from the window. This will also help keep nosy neighbours from peeking In to see what you're watching. No one wants that sort of judgment!

Lastly, if we don't want to create a TV shrine, how do we decorate around the TV?

We may all think that good feng shui would mean absolute symmetry, but Cliff tells us to stay away from that. "The key to décorating around a TV Is not to create too much symmetry with cabinets flanking at either side or two table lamps. Instead treat It like a picture on the wall and décorate the space as If It were of equal Importance to the rest of the room."

He also notes that the size of the TV also affect placement. "The bigger the TV, the more centrally It should be placed, while a small TV can be placed almost like a secondary fixture to one corner." Cliff, with all due respect, we won't be putting our baby In the corner, but we do get what you're saying.

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TV Room Feng Shui Tips with Cliff Tan

TV Room Feng Shui Tips with Cliff Tan